Friday, April 13, 2007


Well I haven´t written at all in a long, long time and since last there have been a few changes in my life. My last post was about my work, well... scratch all that. A couple of weeks ago I got a rejection on my application to work this summer.

A simple rejection... no "thank you for the past 4 years" or anything of the sort. So now I´m at a point where I need to figure out what to do with the rest of my life as far as career goes. I´m not going to come crawling back with another application for next season, oh no.

My children are getting bigger. Miranda 6 years and 4 months old, Ellen 14 months. How I adore them :-) Miranda is acting like a little teenager sometimes, but I guess it´s a part of the age she´s in. It can be very difficult on both her and me, but I try not to judge to hard.. She´s a smart and kind girl. She´s a terrific big sister, adored by Ellen.

We bought a house in december, but we´re still living in our apartment, since we have a lot of renovating to do before we can actually move in. Right now there isn´t even any plumbing in the house.

I thought you were supposed to start fighting with your spouse about everything that has to do with renovating a house.. Luckily, for me and Håkan, it has brought us even closer together. We tend to agree on everything when it comes to design. Other people may not always understand us, but we understand each other perfectly.

To finish my post I give you another layout, of Ellen at 11 months.



At 5:54 PM , Blogger Minimalla said...

Vad kul att du bloggar på engelska. Tanken har inte ens fallit mig in, men man breddar ju sin läsarkrets rejält :-).
Vilken härlig 11 månLO! Den där pappersserien är ju helt underbar, men jag vet inte om jag skulle våga mig på att klippa i dom. Egentligen är de så snygga så man skulle använda dem som tapet ;-).
Hoppas det är okej att jag lägger till dig bland mina favoritlänkar på min blogg.
Ha det gott!


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